It is Cree Women of Eeyou Istchee’s (CWEIA) mission to value and empower women of all backgrounds as a way to strengthen our communities and our Nation. One of our main goals at CWEIA is to create a variety of spaces that embrace what we collectively uphold and value as Eeyou/Eenou Iskwaauch. In this case, the MEEI pageant is specifically aimed at the young women in our membership who are seeking experiences that will shape them into stronger, and more outspoken leaders.
The Eeyou/Eenou Iskwaau (MEEI) pageant aims to empower our Miss Eeyou/Eenou Iskwaau by taking pride in their culture and give one of them the opportunity of a lifetime to either take part in the Miss Indian World (MIW) pageant or to attend various National/International conferences.
WINNER’S of 2023 MEEI Pageant
The Miss Eenou/Eeyou princess pageant went very well, CWEIA would like to congratulate all the participants. We were all so proud of you beautiful princesses.
Miss Teen Canada Ambassador Wabiguin Bearskin was present to support these beautiful young ladies.
Our Miss Eeyou/Eenou Ishkaw 2023
Diane Coon Come from Mistissini
1st runner up
Princess from Whapmagoostui Jade Mukash
2nd runner up
Princess from Waskaganish Stormie Diamond